Monday, August 24, 2009

Soaking It Up In The Hot Springs

The Springs... This is one of the pools along the river. You can see that the pool feeds into the river behind Jason, Isaiah, and Cora. There are so many places here that you can soak, some free, some not, some way too expensive. The nicest resort in town has a "for locals rate only" every Tuesday. We have gone on local night once or twice, but we ususally like to go along the river and build our own tub out of river rock and soak in the hot springs then jump into the glacier fed river - in and out, in and out.We all love it! 

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Here is Cora sitting on the edge of one of the hot springs cones, this one is right outside the Sheriffs Office. This is one of many on display throughout town. Behind her is the chamber of commerce. The hill above is where they hold lots of concerts - from famous Symphonies to Blue Grass Festivals. We have such a cute town. On weekends the river behind her is a major source of entertainment. Lots of Hot Springs feed the river so many people in town as well as tourists go to the edge of the river sit in hot springs and then grab a tube, kayak, canoe, or just jump in with nothing but their suits and go down the rapids through the falls. Just an FYI - the canoes never make it over the falls with out tipping over into a complete wipe-out. Oh, and another FYI - people in town never use a canoe. They save those for all the tourists. When a canoe starts down the river the townspeople just sit on the sides of the rivers or watch from above from the riverwalk or bridges... just laughing and taking pictures. It is a great time...

Friday, August 21, 2009

An Angel Among Us

Cora showing off her 2 missing teeth

Snake Charmer

Why Cora and Isaiah What BIG EARS YOU HAVE!

Family Hiking Fun

I can do it! I can do it!
One of the rewards to view afterr a short hike here in town
Cora investigating an old burned tree from a past forest fire
Down... Set... Hut... Hut..
Cora and her brothers investigating moss on one of the rocks
A little spring snow run off made a fun little stream that our kids could play in on our hike
Another day another hike...
1... 2... 3... Everybody JUMP!!!
Cora looking for Diamonds and Jewels

A Blog Hiatus Is Over...

Ah... it takes time to get settled. We moved from Texas to Colorado. Above is a picture Jason took from the trail of one of our family hikes. This picture was taken from a trail that is just a few miles from the town Ski Resort - Wolf Creek. Welcome all to Pagosa Springs!!!