Saturday, May 31, 2008


Jason and I have discussed that it would be fun to pass on some of our past memories...  So we will be adding memories on here as we find old pictures.

Memories Past Take I

Ahhhh... Are they not the cutest little critters? Elijah was just 5 weeks old when we decided it was time for an adventure. So we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. It was a perfect day we only saw 5 other family/visitors that day. It was as if we had rented out the zoo for just our family. (secret: Go on a Fall weekday before lunch!). We can still fit all three in this wagon, and we ALWAYS take it with us to the zoo. They've grown so much, I look at this picture and I think the old cliche, "They really do grow up fast." Elijah 1 month, Isaiah 13 months, Cora 2. So little and pudgy - they were all still babies. :(  I miss that!

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